Branded for your Organization
Every wholesale order is custom branded for your organization at no additional cost! Support your brand, causes, and clients with each Uh-Oh Kit purchase.

1) Show your Brand
Let us customize your Uh-Oh Kits with your organization's name, logo or photo.

2) Choose your Cause
For each kit purchased, we will make a $1 donation to a non-profit of your choice.

3) Thank your Clients
Show your clients you care with a note of appreciation from your organization.
Looking for more customization?
Interested in additional branding, medication substitutions medication, or customized medication information? Let's talk!
Improve your VCPR
The Uh-Oh Kit can help your practice balance changing market demands and strengthen the relationship between caregivers and clients.
Wholesale Pricing Bundles
- Custom-branding and free shipping included in all quantities
- Generate recurring profitability and closer connection to your clients
- Discounts of more than 20% on wholesale price available
The Uh-Oh Kit Brochure
Download and print our brochure for your clients or contact us to request free copies